Tool Balancer Dispenser
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Tool Balancer Dispenser

The Tool Balancer Dispenser can be equipped with balancers to support Steel and Plastic Strapping Tools.

Balancers - sold separately* - keep the tool suspended above the operator's workstation via a retractable cable. The cable holds the weight of the tool, meaning your operator only has to direct its movement, not support its mass.

Perfect for dispensing oscillated steel and PET plastic strap, the Tool Balancer Dispenser is designed to withstand the tough conditions of any warehouse. It keeps your workplace safe and tidy, provides ergonomic benefits and prevents tools from being dropped on the floor and damaged.


star-icon.gif Features
  • Storage tray with self closing lid for tool & seal storage
  • Hard wearing rubber wheels
  • Waterproof cover for protection against the elements
  • Move strapping quickly between multiple packing stations
  • Heavy-Duty Steel Frame
plus-icon.gif Benefits
  • Mobile
  • Keeps work environment safe and tidy
  • With balancer: prevents tools from being dropped on the floor and damaged
  • With balancer: ergonomic benefits

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